View the repertoire of Liszt Utrecht 2026 online.

You can view the link to youtube of the repetoire by clicking on it.
Category A
One of the following (sets of) works by Liszt
- Scherzo in G min, S153 AND Two Hungarian Recruiting Dances ‘Zum Andenken’, S241
- Lyon, S156/1
- Les cloches de Genève: Nocturne, S160/9
- Angélus! Prière aux Anges Gardiens, S163/1
- Sunt Lacrymae Rerum, S163/5
- Andante lagrimoso, S173/9
- Berceuse, S174ii
- Weihnachtsbaum, Carillon, S186/6 AND Abendglocken, S186/9
- Fünf klavierstücke, 3, 4 AND 5, S192
- Mosonyis Grabgeleit – Mosonyi Gyázmenete S194
- Wiegenlied – Chant du berceau S198 AND Unstern! – Sinistre – Disastro S208
- Nuages Gris, S199 AND Czardas obstiné, S255/2
- Die Trauergondel – La lugubre gondola I, S200/1 (at 6,29) AND RW Venezia, S201 AND Am Grabe Richard Wagners, S202
- Recueillement – Bellini in memoriam, S204 AND Resignazione, S187b (second version)
- Teleki Laszlo, S205/3 AND Deak Ferenc, S205/5 (from Historische Ungarische Bildnisse)
- Galop, S218
- Chanson du Béarn, S236/2
- Ballade d’Ukraine, S249/1
- Epithalam, S526 AND Abschied, S251
- Il m'aimait tant!, S533
- Die Zelle in Nonnenwerth, S534iii
- Slyepoi 'Der blinde Sänger' S546
Category B
One of the following works by Von Weber
- Momento capriccioso , Op12
- Grande Polonaise, Op21
- Rondo Brillante, Op62
- Aufforderung zum tanz, Op65
- Polanaise Brillante, Op72
- Weber - 7 variations on a Gypsy Song, Op55
Category C
One of the following Hungarian Rhapsodies
- Rapsodie Hongroise XVI, S244/16
- Rapsodie Hongroise XVII, S244/17
- Rapsodie Hongroise XVIII, S244/18
- Rapsodie Hongroise XIX, S244/19
Consisting of 4 recitals in which a maximum of 8 candidates will participate.
Two recitals programmes are free choice, two recitals programmes are fixed by ballot
RECITAL 1 - OPENING NIGHT ‘A Night at the Opera’
ONE of the following opera transcription(s):
- Auer/Liszt - La Fiancée - Grande fantasie sur la tyrolienne, S385i
- Bellini/Liszt - Sonnambula – Große Konzert-Fantasie, S393
- Berlioz/Liszt - Francs-Juges - Ouverture, S471
- Donizetti/Liszt - Lucia di Lammermoor - Marche funèbre et Cavatine, S398
- Glinka/Liszt - Rußlan und Ludmilla - Tscherkessenmarsch, S406ii AND Tchaikovsky/Liszt - Eugene Onegin Polonaise, S429
- Halévy/Liszt - La juive – Réminiscences, S409a
- Meyerbeer/Liszt - Prophète, Les patineurs: Scherzo, S414/2
-, S415/2
- Meyerbeer/Liszt - Robert le diable - Reminiscences, S413
- Rossini/Liszt – Guillaume Tell - Ouverture, S522
- Verdi/Liszt – Aida – Danza Sacra e Duetto final, S436
- Verdi/Liszt – Jerusalem (I Lombardi) – Salve Maria, S431 AND Verdi/Liszt - Don Carlos – Coro di Festa e Marcia funebre, S435
- Verdi/Liszt - Boccanegra - Réminiscences, S438
- Wagner/Liszt – Parsifal – Feierlicher Marsch zum heiligen Gral
- Wagner/Liszt – Der fliegende Holländer - Spinnerlied, S440 AND Wagner/Liszt - Der fliegende Holländer – Ballade, S441
- Wagner/Liszt – Lohengrin - Elsas Traum und Lohengrins Verweis, S446/2-3
- Wagner/Liszt – Tannhaüser – Einzug der Gäste auf der Wartburg, S445/1
- Weber/Liszt - Der Freischütz - Fantasie über themen, S451 (NOT the ouverture S575)
RECITAL 2 Liszt Stories – a thematic Recital
- A thematic recital with a duration of max. 55 minutes with free selection of works (of any composer)
- As a starting point it should include at least ONE of the sets of works mentioned below. The remainder of the programme is free of choice, BUT needs to have a thematic connection to the selected work.
- Candidates are required to provide a written explanation about the theme of the recital as well as to why each piece was selected.
- Please be advised that artistic vision will be an important factor for the judging of this round.
- Candidates are encouraged to include spoken introduction(s) at the start and/or throughout their recital, this can be live on stage, or pre-recorded (recording opportunities will be provided by Liszt Utrecht).
- Trois Odes funèbres: Les morts, S516; AND La notte, S516a;
- Les Preludes, S511a
-, S249
- Grosse Concert-Phantasie über spanische Weisen, S253
- Drei Stücke aus der Legende der heiligen Elisabeth, S498a
- Zwei Orchestersätze aus dem Oratorium Christus, S498b Hirtengesang an der Krippe AND Die Heiligen Drei Könige Marsch
- Album d’un Voyageur, II Fleurs Melodiques des Alps, S156/1-9
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.
- À la chapelle Sixtine – Miserere d'Allegri et Ave verum corpus de Mozart, S461ii AND Mozart/Liszt - Confutatis maledictis und Lacrymosa, S550
- St. François d'Assise: La prédication aux oiseaux, S175/1 (from Deux Légendes) AND Cantico del Sol di San Francesco d’Assisi, S499
- Six Consolations, S172 AND Liebesträume, 3 notturnos für piano, S541
- Pensée des Morts, S173/4 AND Funérailles, S173/7
- Trois Morceaux suisses, S156a
- Venezia e Napoli, S162 AND Rossini/Liszt - La Regata Veneziana – (from Soirrees Musicales), S424/2 AND La torre di Biasone - Canzona Napoletana, S399/3 (from Nuits d'été à Pausilippe)
- Von der Wiege bis zum Grabe 'Du berceau jusqu'à la tombe', S512
- Via Crucis, S504a
- Buch der Lieder für Piano allein – 6 Poésies lyriques pour piano seul – II, S535- 540
- Au lac de Wallenstadt, S160/2 AND Au Bord d'une Source, S160/4 AND Les Jeux d’eaux à la villa d'Este, S163/4
- Chopin/Liszt - Six chants polonais, S480 AND Liszt - Mazurka brillante, S221
- Franz/Liszt – Zwölf Lieder, S489
- Mendelssohn/Liszt - Konzertparaphrase über Sommernachtstraum, S410 Sommernachtstraum, S410 AND Wagner/Liszt – Elsas Brautzug zum Münster aus der Oper Lohengrin, S445
Each candidate is assigned one of the following groups of pieces, based on the drawing of lots (candidates will be informed about the selection the day after the first round).
- Weber - Sonata No1, Op24 AND Weber/Liszt - Konzertstück, S567a (solo)
- Weber - Sonata No2, Op39 AND Weber/Liszt - Ouverture Oberon, S574
- Weber - Sonata No3, Op49 AND Weber/Liszt - Leie rund Schwert nach Heroïde, S452 (no youtube recording available) AND Weber/Liszt - Ouverture Freischutz, S575
- Weber - Sonata No4, Op70 AND Weber/Liszt - Weber/Liszt - Jubelouverture, s576 (no youtube recording available) AND Weber/Liszt - Eindsam bin Ich, nicht Alleine Volkslied aus Schauspiel Perciosa, S453
RECITAL 4 Chamber music Recital
Each candidate is assigned one of the following groups of pieces, based on the drawing of lots (candidates will be informed about the selection the day after the first round).
- Set 1 (28’) Liszt: Tristia, S378c (third version) AND Weber – Trio flute,cello,piano, Op63 Mvmt 4 - Finale AND Weber – Violin Sonata, Op 10 No 2 Mvmt 2 & 3
- Set 2 (28’) Liszt: Tristia, S378c (third version) AND Weber – Trio flute,cello,piano, Op63 Mvmt 1 - allegro AND Weber – Violin Sonata, Op 10 No 3
- Set 3 (28’) Liszt/Saint-Saens: Orpheus S98 AND Weber – piano quartet, Op18 - Mvmt 1 - Allegro con fuoco AND Weber – Grand Duo – Mvmt 3
- Set 4 (27’) Liszt/Saint-Saens: Orpheus S98 AND Weber – piano quartet, Op18 - Mvmt 4 - Finale: presto AND Weber – Grand Duo – Mvmt 1
THE FINALS consisting of performances with orchestra and solo, in which 3 candidates will participate.
A choice of ONE of the following group of pieces:
- Liszt – Piano Concerto No.1, S124
- Liszt – Piano Concerto No.2, S125